What You Need to Know About Canberra Mechanics

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Car maintenance can be a headache. Being without a car is very inconvenient – running errands and various responsibilities become much more complicated. Getting your car fixed takes time, and can feel like a waste of your time. Especially if you are in an area of Canberra without good public transport. And in the end, the bill can be large with unexpected charges or big surprise about your vehicle condition. But, repairs and maintenance are vital for your safety as we constantly use cars in our daily routine.

Cars are a large expense –  they require petrol, insurance and frequent maintenance. Compared to the rest of Australia, the running cost of a car in Canberra is average. Cars in Canberra cost $50 lower per week than Brisbane and Melbourne, and $100 lower than in Sydney (despite being only 290 km away). This article will try to give you some more information about car repairs and auto mechanics to help you save while keeping your care safe. 

The importance of cars in our lives makes maintenance unavoidable, but can car maintenance in Canberra be made less disruptive? Here are a few helpful tips to help you navigate Canberra mechanics. 


Find A Trusted Mechanic

Number one on this list is finding a trusted mechanic. Some who is not only skilled but provides a service with options; such as a mobile mechanic service. Also, communication is key. Which is why it is so important to go to a Canberra mechanic who is able to explain issues to non-mechanic will help to save time and money. If you understand your mechanic, you will trust their troubleshooting process and timelines.

The customer-mechanic relationship begins well before your car rolls into the shop. It begins with the auto shops’ website and booking process. Often you can book an appointment with your mechanic through the website, which can be very useful. Booking online allows you to see all the auto repair shop’s information, while also setting up notifications and/or text messages to remind you of your appointment. Having a list of services and price is useful for budgeting, or understanding any additional cost. A car is already a significant cost, but by being able to understand the price for parts and workmanship, will strengthen your relationship with your mechanic. 


Use Helpful Technology! 

Speaking of easy access to information, finding other kinds of technology to help you take care of your vehicle. Ultimately, having your car’s information collected and easy to access can only help both you and your mechanic. Here are a few you can try: 

  • MyToyota provides an online logbook, track and collect your car’s info. You can even book a maintenance service for Toyota’s through the app.
  • Fuelly is a great app, which allows you to track and share any details about your vehicle. This kind of technology makes it easier to note mileage, the age of your vehicle and tracking its various costs. Apps like Fuelly can also allow you to compare other users and their data, giving you a better understanding of your own car.


Educate Yourself

Although a few articles and youtube DIY videos do not equal a mechanic’s qualification, however having an understanding of some of the basics issues can be very helpful. If you understand a few things about the internal mechanics of your car, you may be able to distinguish between major and minor issues.

Here are a few maintenance tasks that all should know: 

  •  Oil and oil filters 
  • Putting coolant in the radiator 
  • Air filters 
  • Windshield wipers fluid
  • Tyre pressure
  • Lights 

There are a number of useful websites and creators who can offer advice, like
Engineering Explained or Auto Guru. This creator can help explain the above tasks and more! Being able to understand your car can help you be specific about its problems, which can help you save time and money. Checking, cleaning and caring for your own car does take up time, so keep that in mind before attempting any DIY car maintenance. Most importantly, having an understanding of your car is important for your own safety. Before setting out on any journey make sure your car meets safety requirements, and if it does not fix them, and/or get a local mechanic to do it.